How do I track the status of my order(s)?

You will receive an email from us with your order tracking details once shipped.

Do I have to pay any shipping or delivery charges?

Many of our products are shipped free of cost. Some products carry a shipping cost which is added to your order when you are checking out. There are no delivery charges.

What is the difference between shipping and delivery?

Shipping refers to packing and dispatching of your order. This refers to the number of working days it will take to dispatch the product from our end. We typically ship within 2 weeks of order with some products shipping next day. Please contact us if you have any questions or need to request expedited shipment. Delivery may take 2-5 days for Indian addresses and up to 2 weeks for international addresses.

What should I do if I find my package opened or tampered with upon delivery?

Please don’t accept an open or tampered package. Report this concern

by filling up our Contact Us form with your order details, email or call us on +91 80503 73299 and we will look at it

immediately and get back to you.

Why have I not received my product yet?

Due to unforeseen circumstances, it is possible that your order might get delayed. We will be sending you an e-mail informing you about the delay along with the new expected delivery date.