By IoTReady Support on August 8, 2024

Configuring the Wi-Fi

  1. WiFi for the IoTReady data logger devices can be configured using QR codes generated in a specific format that has been detailed in this document.
  2. To create these QR codes, any QR code generator software application can be used.
  3. Going ahead, we will be using
  4. If using the same, please make sure you are using the “FREE TEXT” tab as seen below in the images.
  5. QR code for SSID: conf:ssid:wifi_name
  6. Where “wifi_name” is the SSID of the WiFi network
  7. QR code for Password conf:password:pwd
  8. Where “pwd” is the password of the WiFi network.

  1. Scan the QR codes (first the SSID and then the password) generated using the barcode scanner attached to the data logger.
  2. You should see the wifi_name and pwd on the LCD display.
  3. Please restart the device
  4. The device will now try to connect to the WiFi credentials that were just provided using QR codes.


  1. The user puts in the package with a Unique ID in the Data Logger
  2. The data logger then scans the ID
  3. The ID will be seen on the screen of the Data logger
  4. For example, in some use cases, when the ID appears on the data logger, you can see additional details such as hub information and trip information
  5. Once the ID appears, the User should then place the package on the weighing scale
  6. When the weight stabilizes, you will notice a yellow indication, which means that the data logger is sending data to the server.

  1. When the audit is successful, a green light will be visible.

  1. If the device shows a red light, it means that the audit has failed.

  1. If the device shows a blue light, it means that there is an API error.

OTA flow: Updating the Software


  1. The laptop you are using should be connected to the same Wi-Fi as the device.


  1. Enter the IP Address in the address bar, put a "/" and then type "OTA"
  2. Please click on "Browse" to select the file from your computer/laptop
  3. Please press "Update" after selecting the file and your device will start updating
  4. You can track the progress on the screen of your laptop/computer
  5. Once the Update is successful, please restart the device.
  6. The device screen will show the version name after you restart the device


If the data logger does not show a yellow indication, it is because the weight is not stabilized. To fix this, please check the following:

  1. The surface is not even
  2. The table or the place where the weighing scale is stored is not stable
  3. There are some external disturbances to the weighing scale

If there is a server failure, the user will be greeted by a Blue Light. To fix it, please contact your IT team.

For more inquiries, please reach out to us at

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