By IoTReady Support on August 8, 2024

Wi-Fi disconnection

  1. Check the signal strength with a network analyzer app (WiFiman app), it should be in the range of -30 dBm to -45 dBm.
  2. If the device does not reconnect, automatically reboot the device by switching it off and on.
  3. Also make sure the network credentials have not changed.
  4. If it has changed, show the new QR code for SSID and Password (You will see SSID and password on display).

LED stuck with a certain color

Yellow - Weight stabilized or awaiting response from server

Blue - Crate not found in the system.

Green - Audit Passed 

Red - Audit failed.

Weight is not being displayed

  1. Check the cable that's connected to the weighing scale.
  2. See if the cable is loose.

Continuously failing

  1. This is due to changes being made on the server, please contact the Admin team and inquire if any changes were made.

Crate ID/blue light is not visible after scan

This happens because weight data is not coming into the IoT device.

Check the weighing scale data is coming in by putting the device into test mode.

Test Mode

scan the qrcode

-> conf:test

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